
Monday, April 30, 2012

Reading: Number the Stars by Lois Lowry

            As the end of April neared, I slowly began to realize that I had only read one book this month!  With only a few days left until May, I decided I would need to read some small books and went to my closet where all my children's chapter books were.  The first book I pulled out was Number the Stars by Lois Lowry.  I was required to read this book in 6th grade, I was 12, and haven't read it since then. 
            After reading it again as an adult, I found that I enjoyed the book even more than I did as a kid.  For those of you who haven't read Number the Stars, here is a brief summary: 10 year old Annemarie and her family are living in the Nazi invaded Denmark.  She and her family live in an apartment complex along with her best friend, Ellen, who is Jewish.  Annemarie is haunted by the memory of her older sister who died just before she was to be married and by the soldiers who stalk the sidewalks of her hometown, Copenhagen.  She often questions the role of bravery inside of herself and isn't sure if she can be brave when bravery is trust upon her.  One day, Annemarie finds out Ellen is spending the night and that Ellen's family is in danger.  There is no time to wonder if she is brave.  Annemarie must be brave even when she doesn't know she is being brave. 
            Reading this book for a second time was refreshing.  A lot of the details in this book had been lost to me for years.  All I basically knew about the novel was that it took place in Europe during WWII and that Annemarie's friend was Jewish and they had to save her life.  In the end, it's a kids novel and I can't really say many bad things about it.  I found the book to be poignant and I found the main character, Annemarie, to be everything I would hope a child character to be.  I could really relate to the little things she talked about like running with her friend and playing dolls.  I could also relate to the idea of bravery.  Don't we all wonder if there came a time to be brave, would we be?  It is a very powerful topic to touch on.  I give the book 5 out of 5 stars.

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