
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Reading: Crispin, The Cross of Lead by Avi

Crispin: The Cross of Lead by Avi, another re-read in this 50 book challenge, is the story of a young boy who has been framed for murder and is on the run with a musician/juggler.  While struggling to figure out the mystery of his family's heritage, Crispin goes on a journey around the realm and while discovering new cities, he also discovers new things about himself.
In the beginning of the novel, Crispin is attending his mother's funeral.  His father has been out of the picture ever since he was born and now he is all alone.  Soon after the funeral Crispin, referred to as Asta's son in the beginning, is told to give up his only means for survival - the family ox.  The priest takes Crispin away to the church and reveals to him that there are many things he does not know about himself and his family.  He reveals to Crispin his true name (obviously Crispin) and then says that there are secrets he must tell him about his mother and father.  They plan to meet the next night so the priest can give Crispin this information but on the way there Crispin is tricked and the priest is dead.  Crispin is then marked as a wolfs head which means he can be killed at any time because his town blame him for the priest's murder.  Crispin is forced to run away and soon comes across a man named Bear who claims Crispin as his property and slave.  All he brings with him is his cross of lead which belonged to his mother and contains many mysteries in which Crispin can't figure out because he can't read the inscription on the cross.
While this book has a lot of good moral aspects and such, it was very plain and dull at times.  It was also an extremely quick read which I can't really complain about.  Crispin himself had good character development though which I liked.  Anyway, I will give this book 3 out of 5 stars

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