
Friday, September 6, 2013

Reading: Quitter by Jon Acuff

And here we are with yet again another book I listened to by audiobook.  This review is rather late actually because I began listening to the book back in January and finished in July.  The reason in took me so long is because - well, I'm not a fan of audiobooks.  The only reason I possessed Jon Acuff's book on my iPod is because Noise Trade released it online for free and I figured I could listen to the book on my way to class every now and again.  I listened to the book inconsistently while I was in school.  It wasn't until I graduated and returned to my summer job that I listened to it chapter by chapter on a consistent basis.  I finished it in July.  Needless to say, this review is LONG overdue.
To start off, the premise of this book is great.  It is a topic that everyone and no one wants to talk about.  There is a conflicting ideology in our culture.  There is the idea of having a dream and some will encourage that dream and some will stomp on it.  Then there is the dreamer who wants to be a quitter.  They want to go from making their day job into a dream job.  Once again there will be strong advocates of this philosophy and strong disagree-rs.  Acuff comes at the situation carefully and skillfully.
With help from his own personal experience with fulfilling a dream, Acuff writes Quitter in a relaxing style with modern day tips that matter in our modern day world.  He tries to take the reader step by step into the process of becoming a quitter.
I don't have much to say about the book.  I thought it was really helpful, insightful, and interesting.  It didn't hold my interest 100% and (no offense to the author) I found Acuff to be very annoying reading the audiobook...particularly when he made a joke that was so obviously trying to make people like him.  I am giving the book 3 out of 5 stars.  It wasn't amazing but it was unique and something I believe everyone should read if they feel stuck in a job and never expected to be "stuck" there.

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